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(What do I need to use an XRGB-3 ?)
(What do I need to use an XRGB-3 ?)
Line 912: Line 912:
* 2 x [[S-Video]] (S IN 1 / S IN 2)
* 2 x [[S-Video]] (S IN 1 / S IN 2)
* 2 x [[Composite]] (VIDEO IN 1 / VIDEO IN 2)
* 2 x [[Composite]] (VIDEO IN 1 / VIDEO IN 2)
'''Warning''' : D-Terminal inputs do not have the same quality. <font color="#FFA500">(confirmed for 480p signals, is it the same with interlaced signal or other resolution?)</font>
'''Warning''' : D-Terminal inputs do not have the same quality. <font color="#FFA500">(confirmed for 480p signals, is it the same with interlaced signal or other resolution?)</font>
Line 918: Line 917:
* D IN 2 : bad quality (worst ?) quality (some video noise)
* D IN 2 : bad quality (worst ?) quality (some video noise)
* D IN 3 : bad quality (some video noise)
* D IN 3 : bad quality (some video noise)
You should always use D IN 1 input with D-Terminal/Component cables (Note : the shared VGA input for D IN 2 is not affected by this problem).
=== How much does the XRGB-3 cost? ===
=== How much does the XRGB-3 cost? ===

Revision as of 10:18, 14 January 2010

Xrgb-3 logo.gif

XRGB-3 front
XRGB-3 back

Insert introduction speech ?


- fixing english typos

- improving Japanese menu translation

- translating firmware change logs

- completing "Recommended settings" and adding other systems (arcade pcbs, other console) ?

- adding/fixing things in orange

Discussion about XRGB-3 wiki



Firmware translation

Firmware translation for version 2.12.

メインメニュー (Main menu)

Japanese English
アスペクト Aspect ratio
画質調整 Image settings
画面調整 Screen settings
子画面調整- PCinP settings
画面特殊設定 Special screen settings
サウンド調整 Sound settings
オプション Options
スペシャル Special

アスペクト (Aspect ratio)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
アスペクト Aspect ratio 自動 (Auto) / ノーマル (Normal) / ワイド (Wide) Auto

画質調整 (Image settings)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
明るさ Brightness 0 - 63 32
ガンマ Gamma 0 - 63 16
黒レベル Black level 0 - 255 128
鮮明度 Sharpness 0 - 31 7
Rレベル Red level 0 - 63 32
Gレベル Green level 0 - 63 32
Bレベル Blue level 0 - 63 32
Rガンマ Red gamma 0 - 63 16
Gガンマ Green gamma 0 - 63 16
Bガンマ Blue gamma 0 - 63 16
色合い Color tint 0 - 63 32
色の濃さ Color depth 0 - 63 32
  • Note : Color Tint and Color Depth are unavailable for RGB and YUV signals

画面調整 (Screen settings)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
出力水平位置 Output horizontal position 0 - 63 32
出力垂直位置 Ouput vertical position 0 - 63 32
水平位置 Horizontal position 0 - 63 32
垂直位置 Vertical position 0 - 63 32
水平画面比率 Horizontal screen size 0 - 63 32
垂直画面比率 Vertical screen size 0 - 63 32

子画面調整 (PCinP settings)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
子画面表示 View ?? ?? ??
子画面サイズ Size ?? ?? ??
子画面水平位置 Horizontal position ?? ?? ??
子画面垂直位置 Vertical position ?? ?? ??
子画面比率 Rate ?? ?? ??

画面特殊設定 (Special screen settings)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
ガイドライン Guidelines オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) OFF
PC 水平ドットマッチ PC horizontal dot match ?? ??
PC マッチ PC match ?? ??
PC 手動ドットクロック PC dot clock manual ?? ??
PC スキュー PC skew ?? ??
NTSCドットクロック NTSC dot lock 標準 (STANDARD) / 手動 (MANUAL) STANDARD
NTSC 手動ドットクロック NTSC dot lock manual 0 - 4095 3639
AFCレベル AFC level 0 - 7 2
スクリーンサイズ Screen size 標準 (STANDARD) / アンダー (UNDERSCAN) / D2ズーム (D2 ZOOM) STANDARD
描画方式 Drawing method 疑似インター (INTERLACED) / ノンインター (NON-INTERLACED) INTERLACED

サウンド調整 (Sound settings)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
音声レベル Audio level 0 - 63 25
キサ Mixers 0 - 15 8
消音 Mute オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) OFF
高音調整 Treble 0 - 15 7
低音調整 Bass 0 - 15 7
ラウド Loud オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) OFF
センター調整 Center 0 - 63 31

オプション (Options)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
D 入力2 信号方式 D IN 2 INPUT signal 色差 (YUV) / セパレート (SEPERATE → RGBHV??) / 複合 (RGB) YUV
21ピン入力信号方式 RGB-21 INPUT signal 色差 (YUV) / 複合 (RGB) RGB
21ピン入力終端 RGB-21 INPUT termination 75 オーム (75 OHM) / 220 オーム (220 OHM) 75 OHM
V 同期ロック V-Sync lock オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) ON
電源設定 Power management スタンバイ (STANDBY) オン (ON) STANDBY
静止 Freeze frame オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) ON
Y/C 分離設定 Y/C separation mode 自動 (AUTO) / ローパス (LOW PASS) AUTO
水平同期極性 Horizontal sync polarity スルー (PASSTHROUGH) / 反転 (INVERTED) PASSTHROUGH
垂直同期極性 Vertical sync polarity スルー (PASSTHROUGH) / 反転 (INVERTED) PASSTHROUGH
低解像度設定 Low screen resolutions オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) OFF
ディスプレイ画面モード Display screen resolutions 320x240 / 640x400 / 640x480 / 1024x768 / 1280x1024 / 1600x1200 / 1280x768 / 1360x768 / 1440x900 / 1680x1050 / 1920x1080 / 1920x1200 1024x768
FULL_HD解像度設定 FULL_HD resolution setting LOW / HIGH LOW
スルー入力設定 PC INPUT signal 自動 (AUTO) / アナログ (ANALOG) / デジタル (DIGITAL) AUTO

スペシャル (Special)

Japanese English Setting Default setting
A/Dレベル A/D level 0 - 255 255
画面ステータス Status screen - -
Firm Ver Firmware version CPU / FPGA 1 / FPGA 2 / FGPA 3 / FPGA 4 / CMD / OSD / PLL / PCB -
VL_H VL_H 0 - 255 255
VL_V VL_V 0 - 255 255
LPF LPF オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) ON
DOT_by_DOT DOT_by_DOT オフ (OFF) / オン (ON) OFF

Remote translation


Released firmwares

B0 firmwares

Version Date Changes Known issues
1.00 initial release - -
1.01 ? ■XRGB-3 FPGA Version1.01


■Line Doubler & Transcoder FPGA Version0.80

・XRGB-3Line Doubler & Transcoder機能を追加。

1.02 ? ■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.02



・21ピンRGBマルチ入力端子(GAME IN)で、NEOGEO等が正常に映るように修正。


■XRGB-3 Update Tool Version1.01



1.03 ? ■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.03




・スキャンラインを表示する機能(擬似走査線表示)を追加(Line Doubler & Transcoderモードのみ使用可能)。

■XRGB-3 CMD Version1.01


■XRGB-3 OSD Version1.01


■XRGB-3 ラインダブラー&デジタルトランスコーダ FPGA Version0.90


■XRGB-3 Update Tool Version1.10



 ラインダブラー画面時に、画面に1ドット間隔の縦方向の黒線を描画します。画質の悪いテレビの様な質感を表現できます。  ただしこの機能を使用すると、画面が若干暗くなります。また、ブラウン管の種類によっては画面にモワレが発生することがあります。


 ラインダブラー画面時に、画面の走査線1ラインおきに横方向の黒線を描画します。走査線を目立たせることができます。旧型のブラウン管テレビのような質感を表現できます。  ただしこの機能を使用すると、画面が若干暗くなります。

1.05 ? ■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.05


■XRGB-3 CMD Version1.04


1.07 ? 通常モード用Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.07



■XRGB-3 CMD Version1.07




■XRGB-3 FPGA Version1.02(BANK0用:06_10_13)



■XRGB-3 FPGA Version1.00(BANK1用:06_10_19)



1.10 2007-01-22 通常モード用Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.10



■XRGB-3 CMD Version1.10


1.11 2007-03-09 通常モード用Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.11




■XRGB-3 CMD Version1.11


1.12 2007-09-25 通常モード用Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.12


・小画面表示を終了時にINPUT LEDが点灯したままになる問題を修正。

1.12b 2007-09-25 通常モード用Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version1.12b

・XRGB-3 CPU Version1.12の機能にPSP用モードをプラスしました。



2.00 2007-01-26 共通Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.00


■XRGB-3 CMD Version2.00


ワイド対応モード用Firmware(FPGA B2)

■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.00(BANK2用:07_01_26)


2.01 2007-02-02 共通Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.01



■XRGB-3 CMD Version2.01


ワイド対応モード用Firmware(FPGA B2)

■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.01(BANK2用:07_01_31)





・アナログRGBでパソコンの1680*1050や1920*1200ドットの映像信号を入力した場合、映像がオーバークロックになることがあります。長 時間オーバークロック状態になると、XRGB-3が自動的にシャットダウンすることがあります。





2.02 2007-11-08 共通Firmware

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.02




■XRGB-3 CMD Version2.03


ワイド対応モード用Firmware(FPGA B2)

■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.01(BANK2用:07_10_18)




・アナログRGBでパソコンの1680*1050や1920*1200ドットの映像信号を入力した場合、映像がオーバークロックになることがあります。長 時間オーバークロック状態になると、XRGB-3が自動的にシャットダウンすることがあります。




2.05 2008-05-09 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.05





水平ノイズが気になる場合、ビデオやS、D端子の525i/525p(プログレッシブ)では「オン」にして使用することをおすすめします。525pでは 若干鮮明度に影響します。D端子では1125iや750pでも「オン」にできますが、鮮明度が著しく低下するため、「オフ」の設定で使用することを推奨し ます。各入力における初期設定と、設定の共有状況は下表の通りです。

入力 LPF初期設定(リセット時) VIDEO IN 1 ON VIDEO IN 2 ON S IN 1 ON S IN 2 ON   525i 525p 1125i 750p D IN 1 OFF D IN 2 ON ON OFF OFF D IN 3 OFF GAME IN (21pin) ON OFF OFF OFF

■XRGB-3 CMD Version2.05


■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.03

・通常モードとワイドモードを統合し、FPGA BANKのB0を使用するようにした。このためファームアップのリセット後に、FPGAバンクを変更する必要がありません(お試し版のワイド対応ファーム ウェアではB2を使用しており、リセット後設定を変更する必要があります)。



・アナログRGBでパソコンのワイド画面を入力した際は、XRGB-3の「PC水平ドットマッチ」で画質を調整する必要があります。 ※「PCマッチ」ではパソコン画面を正しくオートアジャストできません。 ・レターボックス表示の映像をズーム(拡大)表示することはできません。

2.06 2008-10-28 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.06




■XRGB-3 CMD Version2.06




・アナログRGBでパソコンのワイド画面を入力した際は、XRGB-3の「PC水平ドットマッチ」で画質を調整する必要があります。 ※「PCマッチ」ではパソコン画面を正しくオートアジャストできません。


2.07 2008-12-05 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.07


■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.04






2.10 2009-01-30 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.10



■XRGB-3 FPGA Version2.10








・アナログRGBでパソコンのワイド画面を入力した際は、XRGB-3の「PC水平ドットマッチ」で画質を調整する必要があります。 ※「PCマッチ」ではパソコン画面を正しくオートアジャストできません。


2.11 2009-02-14 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.11







・アナログRGBでパソコンのワイド画面を入力した際は、XRGB-3の「PC水平ドットマッチ」で画質を調整する必要があります。 ※「PCマッチ」ではパソコン画面を正しくオートアジャストできません。


2.12 2009-07-14 Firmware(FPGA B0)

■XRGB-3 CPU Version2.12

・BenQ社の1920x1080ドットのパネルを使用したディスプレイにDVI-D接続の時、正しく表示できない問題を改善した。この問題に対処するた めに「オプション」に「FULL_HD解像度設定」を追加した。1920x1080ドットのパネルを使用したディスプレイでDVI-Dで接続時に正しく表 示できないときは、「FULL_HD解像度設定」を「HIGH」に設定してください。



・21ピン入力端子(GAME IN)のハイビジョン映像入力時のA/Dレベルの初期設定値に問題があったので修正した。







B1 firmwares

Version Date Changes Known issues
1.0 2008-05-09 Add B1 FPGA mode (Line Doubler & Transcoder) -


Why should I use an XRGB-3 ?

Full answer : Deinterlacing Classic Videogames (by Fudoh)

Short answer : XRGB-3 is perfect for old school gaming (Nes, Super Nes, PC Engine, ...) to PC / HDTV monitor. Another cool addition is the ability to play PlayStation Portable games in TRUE fullscreen. XRGB-3 can also be used as a transcoder for more recent video games consoles (Dreamcast, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox, …). XRGB-3 can be used as an upscaler but the result is not always good and you will have to deal with issues (input lag, tweaking settings, …). If you are looking for a good deinterlacer/upscaler for modern consoles, buy a DVDO Edge.

Where can I buy an XRGB-3 ?

Retailers in Japan that carry the XRGB-3 will NOT ship outside of Japan. The Solaris-Japan offering on eBay is an exception, but there is a $150 markup compared to Amazon Japan. Here are few places to purchase the XRGB-3:

Amazon Japan - Amazon will periodically run out of stock and use a 3rd party vendor to fulfill orders.

eBay (Solaris-Japan has a eBay Store listing)

Yahoo Japan Auctions

What do I need to use an XRGB-3 ?

You need your game console, a TV/Monitor capable of receiving a VGA or DVI-D signal and appropriate cables to connect your console or SuperGUN to the XRGB-3. The best option available is using RGB-21 cables, though in some cases this is not possible and you will need to mod your console to output RGB and/or build your own custom cables. You can buy cables from the same places you could buy an XRGB-3.

The XRGB-3 has inputs for the following :

Warning : D-Terminal inputs do not have the same quality. (confirmed for 480p signals, is it the same with interlaced signal or other resolution?)

  • D IN 1 : good quality (few video noise)
  • D IN 2 : bad quality (worst ?) quality (some video noise)
  • D IN 3 : bad quality (some video noise)

You should always use D IN 1 input with D-Terminal/Component cables (Note : the shared VGA input for D IN 2 is not affected by this problem).

How much does the XRGB-3 cost?

Suggested retail price for the XRGB-3 is ¥38,640 (~$422 USD). However, the street price is around ¥29,520 (~$322 USD).

How to reset XRGB-3 ?

1) Power off XRGB-3 (STANDBY)

2) Press "MENU" and "OK" buttons (keep pushing) then push "Power" button (unpush "MENU" and "OK").

How to update firmware ?

1) Power on XRGB-3

2) Connect USB cable to PC (type A to type B)

3) Windows will automatically detect XRGB-3 and install driver

4) launch XRGB-3 Update Tool (if the left button "Update" is greyed then something is wrong, try to power off XRGB-3 and reconnect USB cable)

5) click on "Update" button

6) select firmware file to update (used format for firmware is *.x3b)

7) as soon as you selected firmware, update will start automatically (DONT REMOVE POWER CABLE AND USB CABLE UNTIL IT'S FINISHED)

8) Power off XRGB-3

9) Reset XRGB-3

Where can I download XRGB-3 firmware files from?

B0 firmware v.2.12 (Official link)

B1 firmware v.1.00 (Official link)

Important : about GAME IN input (RGB-21)

Never directly use the European standard SCART cables with an XRGB-3 since the pinout is different to the Japanese standard RGB-21 ones, and damage might result due to voltage applied on signal lines.

So how can I connect my consoles then ?

  • 1) Use RGB cables
    • if you use RGB-21 cables then there is nothing special to do
    • if you use SCART cables then you will not to make them "compatible"
      • solution 1 : buy a SCART to RGB-21 adapter
        SCART to RGB-21 adapter
      • solution 2 : mod your SCART cable to comply with RGB-21 Japanese 21-pin RGB connector (by GameSX)
      • solution 3 : Use a SCART to VGA adapter and use the D IN 2 input instead. You will need to change the "D IN 2 INPUT signal" setting to "RGB"
      • solution 4 : mod your XRGB-3 RGB-21 input to accept SCART cable
        XRGB-3 JPN to EU SCART modification (by Konsolkongen)
  • 2) Use S-Video cables.
  • 3) Use Composite cables.

List of genuine RGB-21 consoles and official cables

  • Super Nintendo (SHVC-010)
  • PlayStation, PS one, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 (SCPH-1050)
  • Saturn (HSS-0109)
  • Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD (FCG-9)

How to make RGB cables

Game Console RGB SCART Cable Diagrams (by Tim Worthington)

Interesting link to translate / use for our FAQ ? (by Akira Makoto)

How to increase size of screen while using Playstation Portable ?

Hardware required : PSP-2000 or PSP-3000 and component cable (or D-Terminal cable)

1) connect cable

2) enable output in PSP menu : Settings → Connected Display Settings → Switch Video Output (Output must be set to Progressive)

3) FCPGA mode : B0 (if using B1 mode, you will not be able to use D2 zoom)

4) Screen size : D2 zoom

Does XRGB-3 support HDCP through DVI output ?

No, XRGB-3 does not support HDCP. So, if you are using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect XRGB-3 on an HDTV (HDCP compliant), it will not works. (need confirmation)

How to enable low screen resolution ?

Options → Low screen resolution → ON

XRGB-3 will be able to ouput at 320x240 (15 kHz) and 640x400 (24 kHz).

Note : this option should be used only with a classic japanese PC monitor (PC-988x and X68k).

Does XRGB-3 add input lag ?

If your are using B0 mode then yes (2 frames). maybe we should add some exemples?

If your are using B1 mode then no.

VGA vs DVI output

Can use B0 mode ? yes yes
Can use B1 mode ? yes no
Can use all resolutions ? yes yes
Input lag B0 mode : 2 frames

B1 mode : less than 1 frame

B1 mode : 2 frames

Note : the signal used for DVI output is DVI-D.

What are those famous scanlines, why do I need/want them ?

Scanlines Demystified (by Fudoh)

How to enable scanlines ?

1) flash B1 firmware (v1.0) : xrgb3_lined_b1_v1_00.x3b

2) enable B1 mode : Special → FPGA SELECT → B1

3) Power off XRGB-3

4) Power on XRGB-3

5) adjust scanline level : Special → VL_H (horizontal) or VL_V (vertical)

Scanline chart

% 97 94 91 88 85 82 78 75 72 69 66 63 59 56 53 50 47 44 41 37 34 31 28 25 23 19 15 12 9 6 3 0
level 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 63 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127 135 143 151 159 167 175 183 191 199 207 215 223 231 239 247 255

In general, you should use a value between 127 (50%) and 191 (25%). Increasing percent will produce a darker image.

XRGB-3 supported output resolutions

Resolution Type Aspect ratio
320x240 QVGA Normal (4:3)
640x400 ? ?
640x480 VGA Normal (4:3)
1024x768 XGA Normal (4:3)
1280x1024 SXGA Normal (5:4)
1600x1200 UXGA Normal (4:3)
1280x768 WXGA Wide (15:9)
1360x768 WXGA Wide (16:9)
1440x900 WXGA+ Wide (16:10)
1680x1050 WSXGA+ Wide (16:10)
1920x1080 HDTV Wide (16:9)
1920x1200 WUXGA Wide (16:10)

About D-Terminal

D type World Japan XRGB-3 support
D1 480i 525i yes
D2 480p 525p yes
D3 1080i 1125i yes
D4 720p 750p yes
D5 1080p 1125p no

Note: The difference in line count is only because those standards count the control lines as part of the resolution of the video signal, which is technically correct; but those are invisible lines that carry information.

Low pass filter (LPF) chart from Micomsoft

Source LPF setting
[525i] [525p] [1180i] [750p]
D IN 1 [OFF] [OFF] [OFF] [OFF]
D IN 2 [ON] [ON] [OFF] [OFF]
D IN 3 [OFF] [OFF] [OFF] [OFF]

How to fix screen distortion in B1 mode ?

Your screen looks like this ?

scren distortion

Then you need to fix : Special screen settings → NTSC dot clock (set to MANUAL) → NTSC dot clock manually (then try to adjust).

What is FULL_HD resolution setting for ?

If set to High, seems to fix problem (no video) when using DVI output and 1920x1080.(need confirmation)

Recommended settings

System Cable FPGA mode LPF Sharpness Extra settings (the settings can help to fix problems)
Capcom CPS-1 RGB via SuperGUN B1 OFF ? RGB-21 INPUT termination : 220 OHM
Capcom CPS-2 RGB via SuperGUN B1 OFF ? RGB-21 INPUT termination : 220 OHM
Dreamcast S-VIDEO














D in 2 INPUT signal : RGB

Master System RGB B1 OFF ? -




















Neo Geo AES RGB B1 OFF ? NTSC AFC : MANUAL / AFC level : 4
Neo Geo MVS RGB via SuperGUN B1 OFF ? NTSC AFC : MANUAL / AFC level : 4

RGB-21 INPUT termination : 220 OHM









Y/C separation set : LOW PASS


Nintendo 64 COMPOSITE
























NTSC AFC : MANUAL / AFC level : 0~7 (more info?)
















PlayStation 2 COMPOSITE




















PlayStation Portable COMPONENT B0 OFF 0 DOT_by_DOT : ON

NTSC AFC : MANUAL / AFC level : 0

Aspect Ratio : Wide

A/D level : 255 (note : XRGB-3 adjust automatically A/D level to 230 when using a PSP)

Vertical screen size : 8
















Sega System 16 RGB via SuperGUN B1 OFF ? NTSC AFC : MANUAL / AFC level : 3

RGB-21 INPUT termination : 220 OHM
















Which cable should I choose for the best quality ?

In general terms the purest the signal from the device to the display, the better. In several standards, modulation is used in order to fit several signals on the same cable path. This adds extra processing in both sides since the signals need to be modulated on the device and demodulated on the display.

Without considering other factors, the quality in optimal conditions for cables can be rates as such :

  2. VGA
  3. SCART/RGB-21/Component
  4. S-Video
  5. Composite
  6. RF

Note : Component is also know as D-Terminal in Japan.

What is PCinP mode ?


Note : the signal used for DVI input is DVI-I.

How to use PCinP mode ?


How to use arcade boards with XRGB-3 ?

Since arcade games use RGB as a standard, the XRGB-3 supports them out of the box. The only thing needed is a cable to plug your SuperGUN to one of the RGB capable XRGB-3 inputs. However, the arcade video signals need some attenuation, this can be achieved with the use of potentiometers in your SuperGUN if available or via the "RGB-21 INPUT termination" setting on the XRGB-3 (set to 220 OHM).

What is A/D level ?

An analog-to-digital converter (abbreviated ADC, A/D or A to D) is a device which converts continuous signals to discrete digital numbers. Wikipedia

Input level/sensitivity. The default of 255 is the least sensitive/strongest input level. Lowering the A/D level makes the A/D conversion more sensitive (for weaker video signal levels).

XRGB-3 use AD9883AKSTZ-110. Datasheet


HDTV compatibility


  • how to connect XRGB-3 using DVI output ?

Use DVI-D to HDMI cable.

  • B1 mode DOES NOT works when using DVI OUTPUT.
  • for some reason, the scaling signal when using XRGB-3 on a WXGA HDTV (32 inch) is not good, it is recommended to use 640x480 resolution for a WXGA HDTV. Or just use a larger HDTV (46/52 inch).


Test 1 : KDL-32D3000 (32 inch)

XRGB-3 resolution


320x240 no no
640x400 no no
640x480 yes ??
1024x768 yes ??
1280x1024 no ??
1600x1200 no ??
1280x768 yes ??
1360x768 yes ??
1680x1050 no ??
1920x1080 no ??
1920x1200 no ??

Test 2 : insert your tv

Recommended HDTV for gamers

let's start a list of know / recommended hdtvs?

Quick notes about HDTV lag

It is possible to test an HDTV's lag with games such as Guitar Hero or Rock Band. PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 versions are recommended in order to test all HD resolution (480i/480p/720p/1080i/1080p). The results will probably vary depending on the input since there are extra filters and processing steps depending on its nature. This lag can be reduced or even eliminated by using the VGA input of the TV (no video processing) and/or enabling game mode if available.

The XRGB-3 in B0 mode adds around 2 frames of input lag, and B1 mode adds less than 1 frame.

Frame conversion chart

A frame is a relative unit, since it depends on the frame rate of the source. When referring to a 30 hz signal, a single frame is 33.33 milliseconds long. This applies to older games based on the NTSC standard (In reality 29.97 fps) and most arcade games.

Newer games are rendered at 60 frames per second (60 hz), and thus are more susceptible to lag. A game usually reads the input after rendering each frame, and buffers it for use during the next game cycle.

The following table is just a reference, since it depends on the genre if this delay is significant to game play.

Frame (30 hz) Frame (60 hz) Milliseconds Note
¼ ½ ~8.34 ideal (unnoticeable) delay for fighting or rhythm games
½ 1 ~16.67 acceptable delay (playable)
1 2 ~33.34 acceptable delay (playable)
1 + 2 + 34 + unacceptable (unplayable)

More information

The New Definitive HDTV Lag FAQ

fubarduck's HDTV / Video Game Lag FAQ

Calibration Tutorial and Troubleshooting guide for Rock Band 2

HDTV Lag - The Unofficial guide

External links

Micomsoft Official Website