
From Classic Console Upscaler Wiki
Revision as of 15:56, 12 January 2010 by Akumajo (talk | contribs)
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XRGB-3 section should be :

  • FAQ

But to be honest, i think we will (i want) to do something beyond that XRGB-3.

Possible future new sections

  • Video gallery <- the problem with camera is that it always looks better... unless we find a way to make proper video capture.
  • Picture gallery <- ok (a camera should be ok in this case but maybe PCInP mode could be more accurate.
    • with / without scanline (HDTV/ARCADE MONITOR)
    • specific problem gallery and solving method

link to image gallery

XRGB-2 / 2 plus should be in wiki (but i cant help here, i just have XRGB-3)

I'm curious if XRGB-1 ever existed or maybe its named differently.