From Classic Console Upscaler Wiki
Revision as of 17:54, 11 January 2010 by Akumajo (talk | contribs)
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insert introduction speech ?


Firmware translation

Firmware translation for version 2.12.

Remote translation


Why should i use XRGB-3 ?

Where can i buy XRGB-3 ?

How much XRGB-3 cost ?

How to reset XRGB-3 ?

How to update firmware ?

Where can i download XRGB-3 firmwares ?

Important : about GAME IN input (21 pin SCART RGB)

How to increase size of screen while using Playstation Portable ?

Does XRGB-3 support HDCP through DVI output ?

How to enable low screen resolution ?

Does XRGB-3 add input lag ?

Quick notes about HDTV lag

VGA vs DVI output

What are those famous scanlines, why do i need/want them ?

How to enable scanlines ?

Scanline chart (% per level)

Released firmwares

XRGB-3 supported output resolutions

D-Terminal types

Low pass filter chart (from Micomsoft)

How to fix video distortion in B1 mode ?

What is FULL_HD resolution setting for ?

Recommanded settings per source / console


What is PCinP mode ?

How to use PCinP mode ?

How does XRGB-3 looks like ?

Section 3



External links

Micomsoft Official Website(japanese)