L336 remote
L336 is a cheap but good quality learning remote from a company named Chunghop. It has 3 profiles (TV, DVB, HIFI) and can learn functions on key by key basis. Profiles can be quickly batch copied to another remote by pointing the remotes on each other and pressing a special key sequence on both. Learned codes/profiles are stored on flash memory so they are not reset when batteries run out.
L336 and OSSC
L336 remotes bought alongside OSSC are pre-programmed ("TV" profile) with codes that OSSC uses by default. Keycodes in 16bit NEC IR format (inverted value used for checksumming ignored) are listed below:
Utilized prefixes: 0x3E (Yamaha DVD) 0x1C (Toshiba TV) 0x5E (Yamaha AV receiver) 1: 0x3E29 2: 0x3EA9 3: 0x3E69 4: 0x3EE9 5: 0x3E19 6: 0x3E99 7: 0x3E59 8: 0x3ED9 9: 0x3E39 0: 0x3EC9 10+: 0x3EB9 TOGGLE/RETURN: 0x3E79 PIC/CANCEL: 0x3E8D MENU: 0x3E4D EXIT: 0x3EED INFO: 0x3E65 CLOCK, EJECT: 0x3ED1 REWIND: 0x3E61 FORWARD: 0x3EE1 L/R: 0x3EB5 PAUSE, ZOOM: 0x3EC1 CHAPTER-: 0x3E9D CHAPTER+: 0x3E5D STOP: 0x3EA1 PLAY: 0x3E41 LEFT: 0x3EAD RIGHT: 0x3E6D UP: 0x3E2D DOWN: 0x3ECD OK: 0x3E1D POWER: 0x3E01 VOL-: 0x1CF0 VOL+: 0x1C70 MUTE: 0x1C18 CH+: 0x1C50 CH-: 0x1CD0 TV/AV: 0x1CC8 PNS: 0x1C48 TONE-: 0x5ED8 TONE+: 0x5E58
L336 and OSSC Pro
L336 remotes sold by VGP after 01/2022 additionally have pre-programmed OSSC Pro codes in "DVB" profile. Keycodes in 16bit NEC IR format (inverted value used for checksumming ignored) are listed below:
Utilized prefixes: 0x0A (Hitachi TV) POWER: 0x0AE8 TONE-: 0x0A18 TONE+: 0x0A98 TV/AV: 0x0A7A MUTE: 0x0AD0 PNS: 0x0A50 CH+: 0x0A48 CH-: 0x0AA8 MENU: 0x0ACA L/R: 0x0AC5 PIC/CANCEL: 0x0A26 EXIT: 0x0A26 LEFT: 0x0ACE RIGHT: 0x0A4E UP: 0x0A0E DOWN: 0x0A8E OK: 0x0ACC INFO: 0x0A08 PAUSE: 0x0A32 PLAY: 0x0AA2 STOP: 0x0A62 EJECT: 0x0AE2 1: 0x0AB0 2: 0x0A70 3: 0x0AF0 4: 0x0A38 5: 0x0AB8 6: 0x0A78 7: 0x0AF8 8: 0x0A20 9: 0x0AA0 0: 0x0A30 10+: 0x0A88 TOGGLE/RETURN: 0x0ACC
L336 and XRGB-Mini Framemeister
L336 remotes sold by VGP after 01/2022 additionally have pre-programmed Framemeister codes in "HIFI" profile. Keycodes in 16bit NEC IR format (inverted value used for checksumming ignored) are listed below:
Utilized prefixes: 0x00 (Unknown/Micomsoft?) POWER: (non-NEC format code) MUTE: 0x0032 VOL+: 0x00D8 VOL-: 0x0038 MENU: 0x002A EXIT: 0x002A LEFT: 0x0010 RIGHT: 0x0020 UP: 0x0030 DOWN: 0x0008 OK: 0x00C0 INFO: 0x0080 PAUSE: 0x0062 PLAY: 0x00E2 STOP: 0x0012 EJECT: 0x0058 1: 0x0040 2: 0x0078 3: 0x0068 4: 0x00B8 5: 0x00F2 6: 0x000A 0: 0x00C2 10+: 0x0042 TOGGLE/RETURN: 0x0022