Sega CD/Mega CD Snatcher Script Dump

File SP03.BIN

The following text was extracted from the original game, for fans, archival and nostalgic purposes. There should be a menu on the right side linking to all parts of this dump, if not please visit the Snatcher text dump main page.

The text is presented as close as possible to the original, including colors when available. Next to each line is the offset within the file for the corresponding text.

0x3850:DON'T SAVE
0x3898:GO INSIDE
0x38ae:JUNKER I.D.
0x3931:SAVE 1
0x3938:SAVE 2
0x393f:SAVE 3
0x3946:SAVE 4
0x39b8:This is your apartment building,
0x39e2:This is your building, Gillian.
0x3a02:I suppose Katrina's gone home by
0x3a28:I'm sure she has.
0x3a3a:So nobody's in my apartment.
0x3a57:I would be quite surprised if
there was. can be really cold-hearted,
you know.
0x3aad:Poor, lonesome Gillian...
0x3ac7:If only Jamie was here...
0x3ae1:Wow! You mean I have a place to
live, too?
0x3b0c:Please tone it down, Gillian. I
know you have lost your memory,
but isn't that carrying the act a
bit too far?
0x3b7c:(...just trying to make things a
little more fun for the folks
playing the game..)
0x3bcf:We have rested long enough. We
should continue with the
investigation immediately.
0x3c23:But you just took a break! We
need to continue with the
0x3c6a:Let's try not to spend too much
time lounging around like before,
0x3cb2:All right, all right...
0x3cca:...the Chief will get all over my
case again.
0x3cf8:This is the apartment that the
government made available for
0x3d3a:The neighborhood's not much, but
what a great-looking building,
0x3d7e:We're right on the border
between the north and south
regions of the city. It is not
exactly what you would call the
best neighborhood.
0x3e07:Can't complain too much. Rent is
really high even around here.
0x3e47:It's a 20th century construction,
but the building has been
completely renovated.
0x3e99:Yeah, but I can still hear my
next-door neighbors all the time...
0x3edb:Being right at the dividing line
between the north and south
regions, the population here is
not particularly high.
0x3f4f:No convenience stores or delis in
the area, either. Shopping is
really a pain.
0x3f9f:This is your living room.
0x3fb9:We are in the living room.
0x3fd4:Nobody home, eh? It figures...
0x3ff3:Please do not get too
0x4017:For a "widower" the room seems
rather tidy. I'm quite
0x405b:Don't you ever shut up? Are you
programmed to evaluate my
personal life, too?
0x40a9:My duty is to support you and
observe that you are properly
carrying out your responsibilities
as a Junker.
0x4115:Some mean
informer, right?
0x413f:Well, one could put it that way...
0x4162:Gillian, you should call your wife
on the videophone once in a while.
0x41a8:You are not the type of person
who can tolerate extended
periods of living alone.
0x41fa:Jamie, huh..
0x4207:The Chief cautioned you about
the same thing, I believe.
0x4240:Oh, that's right.
0x4252:There is nothing unusual.
Everything is in its place.
0x4288:How can you know that?
0x429f:I was provided with complete data
files on your apartment...
0x42dc:I see nothing noteworthy here.
0x42fb:Well jeez, I'm sorry I lead such
an ordinary life...
0x4330:Please do not get upset! You
know that is not what I meant!
0x436c:Gillian, there is a photograph on
the shelf.
0x4399:Yes. That's a very special
picture for me.
0x43c5:There is nothing else on the
0x43e9:There is a single sofa bed...
Overall, a rather spartan and
bland room.
0x4431:Hey, I haven't had time to go
shopping yet, all right?
0x4468:...just the right amount of space
for someone living alone.
0x44a4:It's a picture of Jamie.
0x44bf:Ah yes, the wife you are
separated from. She is very
0x4501:It seems to be a picture of her
when she was rather young, but I
can't remember where it was
0x4567:She's very young in this picture,
perhaps in her teens.
0x459f:She still looks like such a little
0x45ca:It's a picture of Jamie.
0x45e3:She always appears rather
0x4607:What's with you? Do you want
this picture or something?
0x463f:That will not be necessary. I
recorded your videophone call to
0x4686:Watch it, buddy! That's my wife,
you know!
0x46b1:Well, it is my duty to record all
the details of the investigation.
0x46f5:You're really a disgusting little
creep, you know...
0x472a:(come to think of it, I wrote
Jamie's videophone number on the
back of the picture...)
0x4781:No interest in women... That is
most unfortunate...
0x47b6:You shut up! I can't believe I'm
hearing this from a robot...
0x47f4:Ah yes... I sense the sorrow of
the lonely man... Still, there
must be some reason why this
fellow is living alone even though
he is over 30...
0x4886:This will work out just're going to be doing the
housework from here on out!
0x48de:What? Did you say something?...
What a wonderful apartment you
have here.
0x4928:I read no motion. There is
nothing here besides us.
0x495d:There is nothing unusual here.
In fact, it is downright dull.
0x499b:Of course it is! It's my
apartment. I lead a very dreary
0x49db:Jamie's videophone number is
written on the back. It's
0x4a1e:There are some numbers written
on the back -- 39-3444. It
seems to be a videophone number.
0x4a7c:Yes, that's the number for
Jamie's apartment.
0x4aaa:Why don't you try giving her a
0x4acf:Would you let me handle my own
personal life?
0x4afd:It's an instant photograph of the
kind seen in the latter part of
the last century.
0x4b51:Based on an analysis of the inks
and chemical structure of the
developers, I would say that it is
at least 30 years old.
0x4bca:Let's see now, Jamie's number
was 39-3444, I think...
0x4c00:Gillian, what sort of an act is
0x4c26:Why are you pretending. I know
you have already called her.
0x4c63:Gillian, why don't you give your
wife a call once in a while.
0x4ca1:This appears to be the logo of
the Moscow Olympics.
0x4cd5:Wait a minute! The last time the
Olympics were in Moscow was way
back in...
0x4d21:...well, before the Catastrophe, at
the end of the last century,
wasn't it?
0x4d6d:This photograph appears to be a
0x4d98:Composite? You mean somebody
made it?
0x4dbe:It seems unnatural somehow.
0x4dda:...30 years ago...composite...?
0x4dfa:And at the Moscow Olympics on
top of that...
0x4e27:Perhaps this has something to do
with her past.
0x4e57:Why would anybody want to make
a composite photo...I don't
0x4e9e:Please take good care of that
0x4ec5:This is your bathroom.
0x4edc:We are in the bathroom.
0x4ef4:It appears to be a very standard
bathroom. A low-cost, energy
conserving, unit-type sink and
shower has been installed.
0x4f6d:Low-cost... well excuse me...
0x4f8c:Well, after seeing that gorgeous
bathroom in Freddy's apartment...
0x4fcf:Gimme a break, Metal. It's a lot
better than Ivan's.
0x5005:That's another way of looking at
0x502a:There is a bottle of perfume and
a razor.
0x5054:There's a small sterilizing unit,
and a hand dryer.
0x5088:There, you see? I'm doing my
part for the conservation
0x50c9:...that's a truly impressive
commitment to global
0x510c:This toilet has the latest
HealthPot (tm) physical fitness
analyzer installed.
0x515b:Wow, I didn't even realize I had
some of this stuff. I haven't
lived here very long, you know.
0x51bb:...It's Jamie's favorite perfume.
0x51dd:It's almost as if her scent still
lingers in the air...
0x5215:She'll be back...someday. I
promise you.
0x523f:If I could live with Jamie, I
suppose I could put up with being
your navigator for a while
0x52a2:Metal, you've got good taste in
0x52c9:Yes. It's the first time we've
agreed on anything.
0x5308:Of course, my taste in women
was programmed from your
personal data.
0x534d:If that's true, then you should
understand what I'm going
through right now.
0x53a6:What's wrong, Metal?
0x53bb:I just couldn't help but be
overcome by how miserable your
life is... and I are definitely
not on the same wavelength.
0x543d:It's the latest micro-laser
0x5467:The floor and walls are all
0x5491:There is a separate shower next
to the bathtub.
0x54c1:I see nothing out of the
ordinary. The pipes aren't even
0x5504:The sink is completely normal.
Use it with confidence.
0x553b:Metal, would you stop being so
bloody analytical all the time?
0x557a:I can't help it. After all, I am
an analysis robot.
0x55af:The HealthPot (tm) physical
fitness analyzer is the latest in
health technology...
0x5602:When using the toilet, the system
will measure and analyze your
temperature, blood pressure,
pulse, urine and stool to create
an instant profile of your
current physical fitness level.
0x56bb:What do you think, Gillian? Why
don't you give HealthPot (tm) a
0x5700:Ah, this is that famous "Le Smell
de l'Amour".
0x572f:...that's right. It's Jamie's
0x5758:This will give you the closest,
most comfortable shave a man
can experience.
0x57a5:That's right! I've had to go for
some time now... uh Metal, would
you excuse me?
0x57f7:Metal, would you excuse me for a
0x5820:You probably had too much ramen
back there.
0x584c:Well, looks like I had too much to
eat back there. I was really
0x5893:Ahhh. That's much better.
0x58ae:Gillian, according to the
HealthPot (tm) system, you're
exceptionally healthy.
0x58fd:Good, I've still got a lot I want
to do...
0x5928:Oh my! Gillian! According to the
HealthPot (tm) system...
0x5962:What? What's it say?! are a healthy guy. are exceptionally healthy. are a happy person.
0x59cf:...well, it's because you had two
portions back there.
0x5a11:What's wrong?!
0x5a20:The Nanomachines I injected in
0x5a48:What happened...they go sailing
right on through?
0x5a7a:What a waste. Those things are
very expensive you know...
0x5ab5:Hey, what can you do? What goes
in must come out.
0x5ae7:Ah.. ignorance truly is bliss...
0x5b09:<<sniff, sniff>> Ooh...! Jamie!
0x5b29:...does the scent remind you of
0x5b4e:Uh, no. Nothing. (whoops! Got
caught in a sentimental moment,
0x5b96:<<sniff, sniff>> Nice scent.
0x5bb3:Yeow! A little too much shaving I
guess... where's the toilet
0x5bfb:I better quit. Any more of this
and my face will be a moonscape.
0x5c3d:Hey, I think I'll shave...
0x5c58:I think I'll try shaving again...
0x5c7a:Look at how much it took off!
And you just shaved with your
regular razor this morning,
didn't you?
0x5cde:That's funny, I've always been
happy with that brand...
0x5d16:Perhaps we should lay off the
old jokes for now.
0x5d47:You're right.
0x5d55:Ooh. That's better.
0x5d6a:Feel better now, Gillian?
0x5d84:Yeah, and more handsome, too.
0x5da2:Now there's no way Jamie will be
able to resist me...
0x5dd8:Of course, the punch line here
comes when she does turn you
0x5e1c:Wait a minute. Maybe I should
let my beard grow a bit, look a
little scraggly, and try to appeal
to her motherly instincts...
0x5e9b:You will just get yourself into
0x5ec4:...Gillian, why don't you try
0x5eeb:We've certainly been taking our
time, haven't we.
0x5f1d:Wow! Is it this late already? We
should get going again on our
0x5f6b:That was quite a long break,
wasn't it?
0x5f93:Oops. Let myself relax a little
too much, I guess.
0x5fc7:We should hurry and get back to
our investigation.
0x5ffa:After a break like that, you
should feel refreshed, too,
0x603a:Yeah. Let's get going.
0x6052:We should end our break and get
back to the investigation.
0x608d:All right. I'm ready for another
0x60b6:That's your Junker ID. It gives
you all your special privileges.
Take good care of it.
0x610e:That's the expense money that the
agency gave you.
0x6141:That's the memo in which Gibson
told you the whereabouts of the
computer data explaining about
the SNATCHER'S weak point.
0x61bb:I wonder what "Search the
house!" means?
0x61e4:That's the key to Gibson's desk.
0x6205:It's an exceptionally old antique.
0x6228:That's the chess piece that Gibson
0x6250:It's the chess piece that we
found in Gibson's coat.
0x6285:That's the floppy which contains
data on the SNATCHER'S weak
0x62c9:That's a floppy disk for a
personal computer.
0x62f7:That's the sunscreen that the
SNATCHERS are using...if
Gibson's theory is right.
0x6348:And we've found out what we
needed at Plato's Cavern.
0x637e:It's ordinary sunscreen. There's
a sticker with the logo of the
store where it was purchased on
0x63e3:That's the mask that you bought
at Plato's Cavern.
0x6416:That's an Easter Island statue
0x643b:That's a Mummy mask.
0x6450:That's a picture of Jean Jack
0x6476:That's the montage that we built
using witnesses' testimony.
0x64b3:It has an IC chip built-in which
contains all of your personal
0x64f8:In principle, you are allowed to
charge the Agency for as much
money as is necessary for your
0x6565:That's the memo that Jean left.
0x6585:It's written on ordinary paper.
It's definitely in Jean's
0x65cc:That's the key to Gibson's desk in
the Detective's Room.
0x6605:What could this key be? I don't
believe there are still any places
which use keys like that.
0x6662:That's a wooden chess piece. I
believe it's the one which goes
next to the King.
0x66b4:That's a wooden chess piece.
0x66d1:That's the disk with Gibson's
notes in it.
0x66fc:That's a 5-inch floppy disk.
0x6719:On the bottle it says "The store
with everything: Plato's Cavern".
0x675c:It definitely looks like it was
being sold at Plato's Cavern.
0x679a:We might learn something if we
check out the place this was
0x67de:It's a special, high-detail mask,
constructed by the popular Rick
0x6828:That's a picture of Jean Jack
0x684e:That's a composite, 2-D
photograph assembled from
Jordan's 3-D data.
0x6893:It was taken from the chess set
at Jean's home. What could it
0x68d8:Jean really liked puzzles.
0x68f3:This must have some secret
0x6917:Jeez, this really looks like Ivan.
0x693a:You have to be impressed by
Alpha-One's search capabilities.
0x6977:The house? Come to think of it, I
don't have a house to come home
0x69bd:Do not get so depressed, Gillian.
You'll be able to live with Jamie
again sometime.
0x6a11:A home and family, eh? Those
may not go along too well with
being a Junker.
0x6a5d:There is still a lot left, right?
0x6a7f:There is considerably less since
you gorged yourself, however.
0x6abe:Don't bad-mouth me like that. It
was necessary for the
investigation, right?
0x6b0c:Actually... (since it was cash,
they'll never know how much I
spent if I keep quiet!)
0x6b63:Did you say something?
0x6b7a:No, no. Nothing.
0x6b8c:That's your Junker ID. It gives
you all your special privileges.
Take good care of it.
0x6be4:That's the expense money that the
agency gave you.
0x6c17:That's the chess queen that
Gibson used as a clue to the
name of Queens Hospital.
0x6c69:That's the chess piece that Gibson
0x6c91:That's the patient record which
has the name of a SNATCHER on
0x6cd3:That's the thing we found in the
desk at Queens Hospital.
0x6d0d:Those are the matches which we
found at Queens Hospital.
0x6d46:That's the memo which it appears
Harry wrote.
0x6d74:That's the memo which we found
in Engineering.
0x6da3:This is the image that was left
in Little John's memory.
0x6ddc:This is the photograph which was
hidden in the Chief's office.
0x6e1b:This is the picture of a
temple-like building we saw at
Queens Hospital.
0x6e64:It has an IC chip built-in which
contains all of your personal
0x6ea9:In principle, you are allowed to
charge the Agency for as much
money as is necessary for your
0x6f16:It seems that this queen was
meant to give us the name of
Queens Hospital.
0x6f61:That's a wooden chess piece. I
believe it's the one which goes
next to the King.
0x6fb3:It's a code written in ancient
Chinese characters. Deciphered,
it reads "Benson".
0x7006:It appears to be part of a
patient's records. I wonder what
is written on it?
0x7055:These are matches from Outer
Heaven. They probably give them
away to their regular customers.
0x70b4:It says "Face to face". It's the
memo which reveals the secret of
the picture of the vase.
0x710f:It says "Face to face". It's in
Harry's handwriting. I wonder
what it means.
0x715d:This is a video image of the neon
sign at Queens Hospital.
0x7198:It reads "Hospital Oleen". It
appears to be a hospital's neon
0x71dc:It's a photograph of Red Square
in Moscow, taken before the
0x7225:This is St. Basil's Cathedral.
It's a famous cathedral which
existed in Moscow before the
0x728d:All right, I'll save everything
that has happened up until now.
0x72cd:Which file number would you like
to save it in?
0x72fd:This file contains data from a
previous save.
0x732b:Is it okay for me to overwrite it
with the new data?
0x7362:In that case, I won't write the
new data there.
0x7392:This file contains data from a
previous save.
0x73c0:Is it okay for me to overwrite it
with the new data?
0x73f7:In that case, I won't write the
new data there.
0x7427:This file contains data from a
previous save.
0x7455:Is it okay for me to overwrite it
with the new data?
0x748c:In that case, I won't write the
new data there.
0x74bc:This file contains data from a
previous save.
0x74ea:Is it okay for me to overwrite it
with the new data?
0x7521:In that case, I won't write the
new data there.

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Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, Anubis and Metal Gear are registered trademarks of Konami Co. LTD. Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Co. LTD. All work presented here is but mere fan work.

Fan work by: Artemio Urbina 2001-2022