Junker HQ (Links)
Snatcher Translation Related
- Daniel Caetano's English, Portuguese and Spanish MSX2 Snatcher Translation. Yes, we now have an English and Portuguese versions of the game, the one in Spanish is being done.
Takamichi's MSX Snatcher translation, an excellent site that hosts the translation of the text dumped from the MSX2 version. With lots of info, screens, FAQs, misc info on MSX Snatcher and differences, etc. What are you waiting for? Go visit! (Now hosted here, at Junker HQ)
Snatcher & Policenauts Related
Snatcher Emulation Related:
- NLMSX. Frits's emu is simply the best at emulating Snatcher on the MSX. Great audio!!!
- Gens Snatcher emulation on the Sega CD!!! Great emulator, work almost perfectly and completely playable!
- View http://snatcher100.home.att.net/emu.html for lots of info on Sega CD emulation
Metal Gear Related
- Shadow Moses Island (Currently Down) A brother site which has a lot of scans and pictures on Metal Gear Merchandise, such as Kubricks, Trading Cards and European Releases. The main focus of the site is Metal Gear, in the "Solid" series. Highly recommended to search for collector items.
- Metal Gear Solid Org A great site with lots of info on the Solid series, information on the MGS3 E3 demo and more to come.
- Metal Gear Saga the site specialises in information and news from MGS and Kojima Productions.
- DeadCell HQ A brother site dedicated to collect Metal Gear Solid games and related materials, all official. If you like to browse collections and find out what you are interested in, this is a great place to look at.
- Metal Gear .net has great info on the game, forums and news. Great site!.
- Metal Gear 2 Development Committee. For the US translation of Metal Gear 2, pay special attention to their Online Metal Gear 2 Manual.
- "dreaming in an empty room" (a defense of Metal Gear Solid 2) by Tim Rogers. This is an incredible article that explains a lot of Metal Gear Solid 2 as a form of expression. I highly recommend reading this text as it might give you a lot of insight and change your opinion of the game.
- Metal Gear Solid 2 (.de) A site with an incredible and constantly updated design. home to very nice screen savers and wallpapers.
- Yoji Shinkawa Page A site dedicated to the great artist: Yoji Shinkawa. Information, links, his works and all related to the creator of MGS and MGS 2 characters and Mechs.
- Metal Gear Forever A site with a very nice design, Art gallery, Message Boards and MG emulation info.
- Are Videogames Art, not specific to Metal Gear Solid, but an excellent editorial that comments on the current forms of expression and the possible future.
- The Final Hours of MGS2 Absolutely a must see for any Kojima fan... read it! (contains spoilers if you haven't played MGS2 for at least 2 hours)
- Quotes from Zany Video Game. Also available for MGS 2
- Metal Gear Solid Thumbnail theatre by Toasty Frog a must see that is back online.
- Lunar Good Archive an excellent resource on Lunar related Merchandise and games.
- Brandon's Lunar Page has screens, midis, FAQs and links related to Lunar, and some other excellent games as Rayearth and Vay.
- Lunar-net The BEST resource of Lunar info and news, updated very frequently... With info on Lunar 3 and GBA releases.
- SegaXtreme Great Sega Related site, good forums and you can easily find Snatcher related information here and there.
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Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, Anubis and Metal Gear are registered trademarks of Konami Co. LTD. Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Co. LTD. All work presented here is but mere fan work.
Fan work by: Artemio Urbina 2001-2022