Policenauts Metal Gear Ac!d Chronicle Cards

180 Jonathan Ingram
Reduces user's current COST usage
by 20.
Cannot be applied to movement.
*Cannot be used in

[Jonathan Ingram]
Age 30 (birth record lists as 55).
A former Policenaut with the LAPD.
Set adrift in space for 25 years as
a result of an accident with the
experimental EMPS Yuri; as a result,
he is afflicted by cosmophobia.
Now working as a kind of negotiator
in OLA.
His favorite pistol is a Baretta 92F.

"Yeah, the best friend a guy couldi
181 Tony Redwood
"Mr. Goddard"
Sets hit rate of all players on stage
to 100%.
Effect lasts 3 turns.

[Tony Redwood]
A member of BCP's Advanced Police
unit. His nickname, "Mr. Goddard,"
derives from his unparalleled prowess
inside an EMPS, He is a Frozener,
born by incubating a cryogenically-
frozen fertilized egg.

"It might not make sense to the folks
back home, but for me, the Beyond is
182 Karen Hojo
"Blood Transfusion"
Ally discards 2 cards from hand,
user draws 3 cards.

[Karen Hojo]
Jonathan's ex-wife, and the daughter
of Lorraine Hojo. A popular
newscaster for the BBC. She suffers
from aplactic anemia, and is waiting
for a bone marrow donor.
"Your daughter, Karen."
183 Ed Brown
Blocks REA of all players on stage.
Effect lasts for 5 turns.

[Ed Brown]
A former policenaut, and a
dyed-in-the-wool cop. Like Jonathan,
he was with the LAPD. Now occupies
a corner office at BCP as head of
the Vice Squad.

"The Ed you know is 30 years

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Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, Anubis and Metal Gear are registered trademarks of Konami Co. LTD. Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Co. LTD. All work presented here is but mere fan work.

Fan work by: Artemio Urbina 2001-2022