These images were scanned from the Konami Personnel Department Snatcher Calendar スナッチャーの2042年と1993年カレンダーコナミ株式会社人事部, I hope you like them.
Now.. there is a hidden version of that last image, at 3000 x 1875 pixels. If you want it, you just have to add the price of a Moai mask and the MSX version of Snatcher. Then simply use that number as a page name in this folder (plus the html part).
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Snatcher, Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, Anubis and Metal Gear are registered trademarks of Konami Co. LTD. Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Co. LTD. All work presented here is but mere fan work.
Fan work by: Artemio Urbina 2001-2022