nihon no katahe
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Snatcher Scans and version information
Takamichi's MSX Snatcher Translation

Snatcher is NOT a game like this...
Warning: Maintainer of this site lost his memory and cannot tell Snatcher from other games like and .

In this page, I, want to reflect on possibility of translating MSX version of Snatcher, one of the greatest Kojima games ever.
For the actual progress, visit .
History Jan 18, 2004
Problems Jan 18, 2004
FAQ Jan 18, 2004
Downloads Jan 18, 2004
Names Jan 14, 2002
Reference Jan 14, 2002
Links Jan 18, 2004
Miscellaneous On occasion
It's story of the another world we don't know.
Time was 1991, when such thing like USSR still existed. There was a big big explosion and bad bad bio weapon called Lucifer Alpha contaminated the air, and massacred 80% of everyone living in Eurasian continents.
Just after people dreamed of Japanese ethnic cleansing, sorry "best before" period of Lucifer Alpha arrived. Ah it was close.
Anyway, construction workers toiled to make one huge synthetic city without watching horrifying world news on TV. The new place was called; Neo Kobe City.
Survivors of the pestilence poured there...
Time is 2042.
Neo Kobe City is shit of a place. Anything "not approved by law" is accepted better than approved ones. Surfers invented air current generator to surf on the land. Gene experience went too far, animal rights are nonexistent, even the whale hunting ban is losing its hold. Beggers are everywhere, some so professional and kept begging for 50 years.
One day, our mightiest hero arrives to save the City and date the women.
Trouble is, he is a master pervert. What's worse, he's YOU.