Game ID

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10/4/24 - This page is currently heavily work in progress.


Game ID (also sometimes written GameID) is a catch-all term for a system that allows a peripheral device to determine the current game or software title that is running on its host system. This information can then be used by the peripheral device to set per-game configuration options, or forwarded on to another device to enable similar functionality.

The purpose of this page is to provide a guide to setting up Game ID on various systems. It is hoped that, eventually, Game ID will be expanded to cover most systems, either by means of loading home brew apps, typically on more recent systems, or by means of hardware modifications on older systems.

Currently supported (or planned) systems

This section will give an overview of the systems that support Game ID, and the peripherals and/or software that enables this functionality.

Nintendo 64

Support on the N64 requires a compatible flash cartridge and a compatible internal modification. Currently, there is no way to use Game ID with original cartridges.

N64 Advanced 2

The N64 Advanced 2 HDMI mod from Borti supports GameID when used with a compatible flash cartridge (Everdrive64 X7, Summer Card, Everdrive 64 3.0, 2.5 and 2.0 with Unofficial-Official OS binaries). This allows for the GameID to be forwarded to an external scaler (currently, the only scaler that supports GameID is the PixelFX Morph).

GameID data is sent via metadata in the HDMI signal to the external scaler.

PixelFX N64 Digital / RetroGEM

PixelFX N64 Digital and Retro GEM (or RetroGEM) are aftermarket expansions that add HDMI output to the system. Various scaling and picture processing options are also included. Game ID is supported on both Standard and Shiny edition Retro GEM boards.

The N64 Digital and the PixelFX RetroGEM support Game ID when used with a compatible flash cartridge (Everdrive64 X7, Summer Card, Everdrive 64 3.0, 2.5 and 2.0 with Unofficial-Official OS binaries). This allows per-game settings on the device, or for the GameID to be forwarded to an external scaler (currently, the only scaler that supports Game ID is the PixelFX Morph).

Game ID data is sent via metadata in the HDMI signal to the external scaler.

For more information on how to set up these devices, see PixelFX RetroGEM and RetroGEM Shiny (and legacy boards).

Everdrive 64 X7 & X5

Game ID is supported on the Everdrive 64 X7 from OS version V3.06 09.07.2021 and later. GameID is currently not officially supported on earlier model Everdrive cartridges.

When using this firmware, Game ID should work automatically with PixelFX products and the N64 Advanced 2. Upon loading a ROM, the flash cartridge will forward the game id via the controller wire to a compatible HDMI mod.

Everdrive 64 3.0, 2.5 and 2.0

Game ID support is available unofficially by using the Unofficial-Official OS binaries for the ED64 available here (version V2.12.9.1 or later).

When using this unofficial firmware, Game ID should work automatically with PixelFX products and the N64 Advanced 2. Upon loading a ROM, the flash cartridge will forward the game id via the controller wire to a compatible HDMI mod.

Nintendo GameCube

Game ID support has been added to the popular homebrew utility/game launcher Swiss. Swiss can pass this GameID information on to the MemCard PRO GC, RetroGEM or Morph4K.

GameID over IP

It is possible to send the GameID from the GameCube to the Morph4K using a local area network (LAN) connection. In order for this to work you need the following things:-

1) Ethernet adapter (the official Nintendo Broadband adapter is supported, as well as ETH2GC or a GCNET)
2) GameCube capable of running homebrew
3) The GameCube homebrew launcher program Swiss, version 0.6 Revision 1829 or later
4) PixelFX Morph 4K connected to the same home network as your GameCube
5) Web credentials on the Morph4K must be disabled in order for this to work. Therefore, we don't recommend using this option if your Morph is on an untrustworthy network or exposed to the public internet for some reason

Setup - Basic setup steps are shown below, for more detailed information see the Swiss and Morph4K documentation.

1) Open the Morph4Ks menu and select "System" and then "Wifi"
2) Choose "Station Settings" and then make sure "Disable credentials" is set to "yes". Press "OK" on the remote to save
3) Make a note of your Morph4K's IP address (e.g
4) Launch Swiss on your GameCube and open the settings (press B to activate the icons on the bottom menu, then highlight the gear icon and press A).
5) Navigate to "Network Settings (2/5)". Make sure that "Init network at startup" is set to "Yes"
6) Still in Network Settings menu, scroll to the bottom and find "Morph4K Host IP". Enter the Morph's IP address from the WiFi Setup page
7) Save changes in Swiss, reboot the GameCube to initialize the network, if necessary
8) Start any game using Swiss, GameID should then be sent to your Morph. Note that GameID is sent when the game first starts, if you reset your Morph for any reason, the ID will be lost until the game is started again.

MemCard Pro GC

The MemCard Pro GC is a modern implementation of the GameCube's memory card. Taking advantage of advances in storage technology, the device is able to use a MicroSD card to create virtual memory card files. Any MicroSD card is an order of magnitude bigger than the 8MB memory cards the system originally used, meaning that the device can store a virtually unlimited amount of Memory Cards and game saves.

MemCard Pro GC uses Game ID to create virtual memory card files. The device can create one virtual memory card file for each game you play, virtually eliminating the need to ever manage or swap memory cards on your console ever again.

Setup - (insert data here)

PixelFX RetroGEM

The PixelFX RetroGEM is an aftermarket expansion that adds HDMI output to the system. Various scaling and picture processing options are also included.

These products can use game ID to enable per game settings such as scaler or deinterlacer settings, or to forward this information to the PixelFX Morph 4K.

Setup - A GameCube capable of running homebrew is required. Download and install the Swiss Gamecube launcher and run it on your GameCube.

Start any game title through Swiss. Verify that GameID is working by following the steps under PixelFX RetroGEM and RetroGEM Shiny (and legacy boards).


Swiss is a game launcher and all-in-one homebrew utility for the GameCube that supports a wide variety of GameCube add ons and devices, such as optical drive emulators, modchips, Ethernet adapters and more. Actively developed and maintained, Swiss has added extensive support for GameID on various devices.

Setup - For setup instructions for Swiss see the official website here. For instructions on how to use Swiss with the various GameID enabled hardware, see the specific sub-section for your hardware.

Sega Dreamcast

Dreamcast VM2

The Dreamcast VM2 from Dreamware Enterprises is a modern replacement for the Sega Dreamcast Visual Memory Unit. These devices were used as memory cards in the original console.

The device uses a MicroSD card. By taking advantage these of modern, high capacity storage cards the VM2 offers a virtually limitless amount of space for save game data files.

Before attempting to use GameID with your VM2, ensure that you are running the latest firmware. GameID was first introduced in firmware 1.2.8 but has been considerably refined and improved since then. Updating requires a Windows PC and the latest version of the VM2 GUI app, which can be downloaded from the official website.

Note that if you are on a very early firmware version (e.g 1.0.x), then you may need to perform a factory reset. Use the VM2 GUI application and choose "Utilities" and then "Factory Reset".

Once you have updated the firmware, disconnect the VM2 from your PC and open the settings menu on the VM2 by pressing the small button on the bottom of the unit. Select "Memory" and then "GameID". Ensure that the GameID option has a tick/check mark next to it.

  • Game ID on VM2 with OpenMenu

OpenMenu is a replacement menu system for the GDEMU optical drive emulator. It can be downloaded here. Setup and installation of OpenMenu are beyond the scope of this article and there are several guides online.

Once installed, as long as GameID is enabled on the VM2, GameID should work automatically for any Dreamcast game you launch from OpenMenu.

  • VM2 universal Game ID mode

GameID on the VM2 can also be used with other ODE systems (e.g MODE) or original discs. In this configuration, about 80% of the consoles PAL and NTSC library is supported, with support for Japanese titles promised for the future. A full compatibility list is available here.

If you have enabled GameID on your VM2, then you simply need to insert the VM2 into your Dreamcast controller and start your game. If detection is successful, a letter 'A' will appear on the left hand side of the VM2's screen. If GameID does not appear to work even though your game is on the supported games list, check that there is no save file for your game on the VM2's internal memory and move or delete the save file if there is.

Sony PlayStation 1

Game ID support is available on the Sony PlayStation 1 for both original games and optical drive emulators.


MODE, or Multi Optical Disc Emulator, is an optical drive emulator that works with certain models of PlayStation 1 console. The device can replace the consoles optical drive with a SD card or hard drive.

Setup - Ensure that you are running MODE firmware 1.05 R2. No further setup is necessary and when you launch a game from the MODE, it should pass the Game ID to the Memcard PRO, the PixelFX GEM/GEM Shiny, or the PixelFX PS1 Digital.


PSIO is an optical drive emulator for the PlayStation 1 console. It's unique selling point being that it can be installed without having to remove the consoles original optical drive.

For GameID to work, the PSIO must be updated to Menu System 2.7.7. This is a complex process and beyond the scope of this page, please contact PSIO themselves for assistance.

With the new firmware installed, boot to the main PSIO menu, then press the Triangle button on the controller to open the options menu. Scroll down until you find the "MemCard Pro/PS1 Digital ID" option, and ensure this is set to "Yes". Save your changes by pressing the Circle button.

Game ID should now work automatically with PixelFX HDMI mods (GEM, GEM Shiny and PS1Digital) and the Memcard Pro. Upon loading a game, the PSIO will forward the game id to these devices. Only games that are launched from the PSIO itself are supported, games run from the optical drive will not report their Game IDs.

Note - Game ID does not yet appear to work flawlessly with the PSIO, with some games showing up simply as "PSX.EXE".

PS1 Disc-Based Game ID BIOS Patch

The PS1 Disc-Based Game ID BIOS Patch is a hardware and software modification that replaces the PlayStation's stock BIOS with one that adds Game ID support. This allows Game ID to be used with original optical media.

In order to use GameID via the Game ID BIOS Patch, you must have a Memcard Pro. This applies even if you only desire to use GameID with your PixelFX RetroGEM or PS1Digital. In other words, you cannot use the patched BIOS to enable GameID for your PixelFX product unless you also have a Memcard Pro plugged into your console at the same time.

The modification requires soldering skills in order to replace the consoles stock BIOS, further details on the mod can be found here, pre-flashed BIOS chips and fitting services will be available in the near future.

Once installed, no further configuration is required. Ensure that your Memcard Pro is connected before starting your game. The mod has been tested working with both the Memcard Pro and the PixelFX RetroGEM/GEM Shiny.


Xstation is an optical drive emulator for the PlayStation 1 console. The device replaces the consoles optical drive with a unit that can load disc images from SD cards. More information can be found here.

To use GameID with Xstation, please ensure that you are using at least firmware version 1.1.0. Using the latest firmware (currently 2.0.2 as of December 2024) is highly recommended.

No further configuration is necessary and Game ID should work automatically with PixelFX HDMI mods (GEM, GEM Shiny and PS1Digital) and the Memcard Pro. Upon loading a game, the Xstation will forward the game id to these devices.

Memcard PRO

The MemCard Pro is a modern implementation of the PlayStation's memory card. Taking advantage of advances in storage technology, the device is able to use a MicroSD card to create virtual memory card files. Any MicroSD card is an order of magnitude bigger than the 1MB memory cards the system originally used, meaning that the MemCard Pro can store a virtually unlimited amount of Memory Cards and game saves.

MemCard Pro uses Game ID to create virtual memory card files. The device can create one virtual memory card file for each game you play, virtually eliminating the need to ever manage or swap memory cards on your console ever again.

Setup - Ensure you have the latest firmware for your Memcard Pro. Memcard Pro requires a compatible ODE or PlayStation BIOS patch in order to receive Game ID data. Currently, MODE, PSIO and XStation are all compatible when run on their latest firmwares.

PixelFX PS1Digital, Retro GEM / GEM Shiny

The PixelFX PS1Digital is an aftermarket expansion that adds HDMI output to the system. Various scaling and picture processing options are also included. The PS1Digital was discontinued and replaced with the Retro GEM and GEM Shiny boards, which as far as GameID goes, are functionally identical once installed.

These products can use game ID to enable per game settings such as scaler or deinterlacer settings, or to forward this information to the PixelFX Morph 4K.

Setup - A compatible Optical Drive Emulator (ODE) is required, currently the MODE, PSIO and XStation all support Game ID. You can also use the PS1 Disc-Based Game ID BIOS Patch, which enables support for original optical media, but only if you also have a Memcard Pro.

Start any game title from any source using a compatible ODE. Verify that GameID is working by following the steps under PixelFX RetroGEM and RetroGEM Shiny (and legacy boards).

Sony PlayStation 2

MemCard PRO 2

The MemCard Pro 2 is a modern implementation of the PlayStation 2's memory card. Taking advantage of advances in storage technology, the device is able to use a MicroSD card to create virtual memory card files. Any MicroSD card is an order of magnitude bigger than the 8MB memory cards the system originally used, meaning that the MemCard Pro can store a virtually unlimited amount of Memory Cards and game saves.

MemCard Pro 2 uses Game ID to create virtual memory card files. The device can create one virtual memory card file for each game you play, virtually eliminating the need to ever manage or swap memory cards on your console ever again.

Setup - As of firmware version 0.99.7 or later, the Memcard Pro 2 can detect the running game without the need for other hardware or software. This includes original discs for PS2 or PS1, and games launched through the Open PlayStation Loader.

PixelFX Retro GEM / GEM Shiny

The PixelFX Retro GEM (or RetroGEM) is an aftermarket expansion that adds HDMI output to the system. Various scaling and picture processing options are also included.

Retro GEM / GEM Shiny uses Game ID to enable per game settings such as scaler or deinterlacer settings, or to forward this information to the PixelFX Morph 4K.

Setup - Currently, Game ID on the PixelFX is supported through a special build of Open PlayStation2 Loader. It is not currently available when using original optical media. You can download the build using this link.

The zip file available on that page may contain multiple builds, there does not appear to be any documentation explaining what the different builds are, the build entitled OPNPS2LD_LATEST_GEM appears to be the most stable.

Copy this build to your PlayStation 2 using whatever method you usually use to manage homebrew on your console. Once copied, launch the app on your PlayStation 2 and it should run just the same as any other build of Open PS2 loader.

Start any game title from any source using this loader. Verify that GameID is working by following the steps under PixelFX RetroGEM and RetroGEM Shiny (and legacy boards).

Microsoft Xbox

GameID support has been proposed (but not yet implemented) for the recently released Stellar Xbox upgrade device.

Devices compatible with multiple systems

This section will detail those peripherals or expansions that support GameID and are compatible with multiple systems.

PixelFX RetroGEM and RetroGEM Shiny (and legacy boards)

GameID working on a PlayStation 2 with Retro GEM

PixelFX RetroGEM is an expansion board that adds digital video output options to a variety of retro games consoles. Various scaling and picture processing options are also included. This section also covers legacy PixelFX expansion boards, DCDigital HW2, N64 Digital, PS1Digital, and N64 Digital.

For best results with Game ID, make sure your RetroGEM board is running the latest firmware. At the time of writing, some Game ID options may only be available on the testing firmware channel.

Game ID options can be accessed on the RetroGEM/RetroGEM Shiny through the on screen menu. Use the following button combinations to open the menu.

  • Dreamcast Open OSD: L Trigger + R Trigger + X + A + START
  • N64 Open OSD: L Trigger + R Trigger + DPad Right + C Right
  • PS1 / PS2 Open OSD: L1 Trigger + R1 Trigger + DPad Right + O

To verify that GameID is working, check the bottom of the RetroGEM's menu, you should then see the current game title at the bottom of the Retro GEM's menu, as illustrated in the picture.

You can access Game ID options by navigating to the "System" menu and then to "Game ID". The menu shown in the picture should then be displayed.

The "Settings mode" menu has two options:-

  • Global - In global mode, GameID does not affect the Morph's settings.
  • Per Game - In this mode, settings you change on the RetroGEM will be remembered on a per game basis (if game ID data is available).

If GameID does not appear to be working, toggle the "Settings mode" option. If, after doing this, you still do not see the current GameID at the bottom of the GEMs menu, verify that you set up your target console correctly (e,g that you used the correct game launcher with GameID support) and try again.

PixelFX Morph 4k

The PixelFX Morph 4k is a modular video scaler designed for video game material. More information on the Morph can be found on this page Morph_4k.

Currently, The PixelFX Morph can receive GameID data from RetroGEM and RetroGEM shiny boards, as well as some compatible third party boards. This information can be used to set per-game configuration preferences on the Morph scaler.

First configure your RetroGEM board and verify that the GameID function is working correctly. Now, connect your compatible modded console to the Morph4k and open the menu on the Morph. The GameID should now be reported at the bottom of the Morph 4k’s menu, as shown in the picture below:-

RetroGEM passing Game ID data to a Morph4K

PixelFX Companion App

The PixelFX Companion app for Windows, MacOS or Linux can read the GameID data from either Morph or Retro GEM. Both the PC and the Morph/Retro GEM need to be on the same local network in order for this to work.

This data can then be used to update your status on Discord chat, showing the game you are currently playing. (insert further documentation here).