Technouchi: Yeah, yeah. So I hurriedly made one using the tools in my house, and when I've made one up, I range the company, pushed my phone receiver against the speaker, and, "it's going, get it!". (Laughter). |
Piston: Yes, and it was four o'clock in the morning (laughter). Again, I wonder how we put up with that. And the next came "SD Snatcher" and "Solid Snake". We ran those two projects concurrently. Again we summoned everyone, gathered the labor force and then go. |
Izumi: I had been doing the arcade jobs all the time after the previous "Snatcher", but I was called back again. |
IKA: "SD Snatcher" included Tommy's tunes, didn't it? |
Tommy: Yes. I myself used to think all my tunes were rejected. "What? they're included", I found them later (laughter). |
Piston: Well, I thought I'd be going to make "SD Snatcher" and "Solid Snake" the culmination of what had been done so far. Both the tunes and sound effects, to the point "regardless who would try the SCC afterward, they would never exceed our level". |
Mansan: By fixing that waveform change bug as well. |
Piston: Yes, I fixed that bug (laughter). |
Mysterious Super Appetite Team "Renge Kai" |
Tommy: There was a thing called "Renge Kai" when we were working on "Snatcher". |
Piston: Yeah yeah! All of the MSX sound members at that time went to have Chinese dishes, and we were so excited so we decided, "let's attend again by these members". |
Mansan: In addition to the members here today, Mr Rusher Sakamoto, Chiruchiru Yamane, and Mr KURAKO the part timer were there. |
IKA: No one knew hesitation when it came to eating. |
Tommy: When we were eating Chinese, whenever a new dish was served, 30 seconds later the food was gone. |
Piston: Everyone jumped on the food. The chopsticks sparkled against other chopsticks, we saying "this abalone is mine!" (laughter). |
IKA: Yes. It's correct, except for Mr Izumi who was always calm. |
Tommy: Right, the "slow hand of legend" (laughter). |
Technouchi: When everyone was wrestling "get out of my way!", he ununderstandably managed to obtain his potion. |
Mansan: Yes, it was so ununderstandable, I once concentrated to look at Mr Izumi's moves. Then I noticed, through the gaps between everyone's tangled up chopsticks, Mr Izumi's chopsticks extended straightforward to his target (laughter). I felt like seeing a god's work. |
Izumi: (Smiles without word) |
Pekito: By the way, why is that "Renge Kai" (Lotus Flower Party)? Its name is so cute compared to its members... (laughter). |
Piston: No, it's not the lotus flower, but you know the scoop you use when you eat Chinese food is called a "renge", don't you? That's where it's named from. |
Tommy: Yes. When we were eating a Chinese dish that probably was "grounded meat wrapped in lettuce", we could not eat it with chopsticks, but we had to eat by stuffing the grounded meat into lettuce leaf using a spoon, so after the dish was served, everyone's moves momentarily froze (laughter). |