| Snatcher サイバーパンク・アドバンチャー スナッチャー |
This was the first Kojima game I ever played. Heavily plot oriented, in a style sometimes called digital manga, you play the part of Gillian Seed, a JUNKER. Attention to detail and character relationships are great, as well as the story line and music. It is an excellent cyber punk adventure featuring elements from Terminator and Blade Runner. Special thanks go to Jeremy Blaustein and Scott T. Hards for the excellent translation work they made with the Sega CD version, the first version to be in English. An MSX English version that is available now, check out this page. Please visit the Snatcher Gallery Page for more information and a group picture image map.
 | Metal Gear メタルギア |
This series has excelled since the beginning and is Kojima's best know work worldwide. It focuses mainly on stealth, great game play action and storytelling. On this series, Kojima has expressed several deep themes, specially on the Solid versions (I wrote an analysis on the themes explored in MGS2). Techniques that blend video games with movies are widely used, and sometimes are attacked as "too cinematic". I think that the series mostly represents the actual limits of this blend, and a very novel form of story telling that actually involves the player in a way that no other media can, as a result from the natural interactive position the player is placed on, the true actual limits of Digital Interactive Art.
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This game was created after Snatcher. It is graphically beautiful, and has great music too. The main characters are based on those of Lethal Weapon, and it is set on the future. Meryl made her first appearance on this game, and it was also the first time Shinkawa and Tappy collaborated with Kojima, as far as I know. Unfortunately, all the versions are were only in Japanese... a situation we changed with the release of a translation patch to English for the Playstation version. For a group picture image map and more info on the game, please visit the Policenauts Gallery Page
 | Z.O.E. (Zone of the Enders) |
Zone of the Enders is an excellent mecha title. Kojima was just the producer but you can certainly notice his influence and references, also the mecha design is by Yoji Shinkawa. The action, music, detail and graphics are the best of its kind, thanks to Directors Norikai Okamura and Shuyo Murata. But the main feature of this game is its control, simply the best. I must add that the sequel, Anubis, was improved in every single way possible. It adds a lot in terms of graphics, speed, playability, music and story. Some of the most epic battles on a game will be found here, alongside the best mecha game I have ever played.
 | Boktai ボクらの太陽 (Our Sun/Bokura no Taiyo) |
An innovative concept in portable games, that takes advantage of the said portability by incorporating a solar cell that maps the amount of natural light available to the player to the quantity available in game. You play the role of a Vampire Hunter that uses a Sun Gun and other weapons. I can tell that it is fun to play, and that it makes you get out to the sun for a while. very interesting concepts in work here. After playing the US release, I am quite happy with the final game since it applies the idea of using sunlight in a lot of creative ways, not always to your advantage and in some very unexpected manners. Highly recommended if you are looking for a fresh game that makes you go outdoors.
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This sequel to Antarctic Adventure was the first game Kojima worked on, as an assistant director. It has been acclaimed as one of the best MSX action games for its gameplay, depth, variety and rich 3D sprite based graphics that created a solid experience. The story follows Pentarou, a penguin who has to bring home a golden apple in order to cure Penko Hime (the Penguin Princess). I must say that it truly is a joy to play, if you want more info on the game, check out this excellent site: Penguin Adventure's Help and Trivia, it even has info on how to get the all so elusive happy ending... very unique way to get it.
 | Tokimeki Memorial Series |
These games belong to the "dating sim" genre. You play the part of a guy and you meet girls that you have to date and talk to. I actually cannot provide too much info on them, since I barely placed them in my Playstation. I must thank Takamichi, James and Akihabara (280 yen is not a bad price) for helping me get them. Tabidachi was included for completeness's sake, since it was only Produced by Kojima. One interesting detail though, is that these three do use the Policenauts engine.