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13/01/2001 Takamichi just finished the translation and a site to host it. Yes, we now have all the text of the MSX2 version of Snatcher translated. A lot of info is at his site too, as well as pictures and even a funny FAQ. go check it out to know the progress of this project and whatever we do.
12/01/2001 Just uploaded the Spanish version of the MGS1 text dump, contributed by VGF from Spain. He sent me some files and contacted me to make this dump possible. You can get the source code and the text dump.
10/01/2001 Long time and no updates. Well, things are about to change. first a friend from Spain contacted me with info on the Spanish version of MGS.. and we are about to release a dump of the Spanish text. Secondly, Takamichi is about to give us a surprise, and will let you know when it is ready.
25/12/2001 New scans! Now some added to the MGS2 Premium Pack, taken from the book. And added Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, scans.. very detailed! get them at the Kojima section and Lunar Section.
22/12/2001 Just added a LOT of stuff to the Kojima Gallery: Scans of both Metal Gear Solid Art books by Yoji Shinkawa, Promotional Card and Folder of MGS2, more detailed scans of the PSX MGS Premium Pack, MGS2 Soundtrack....
19/12/2001 Added detailed Metal Gear Solid 2: SOL Premium Package scans. Also added a new Snake Wallpaper, featuring the figure included in MGS2 PP.
18/12/2001 Just received my Premium Pack of MGS2.. Will post scans ASAP.
17/12/2001 Some more additions to the MGS2 text dump. BTW, Lord of the Rings is a great movie! So far seen it 3 times.. Also fixed the MGS1 text dump. Changed the format to give all in just one file and reduced the size, since a lot of lines were duplicated in the CD.. just omitted the identical ones.
15/12/2001 Fixed the dump of MGS2 a bit. And, added the Lunar 2: Eternal Blue text dump for the Sega CD.
13/12/2001 New text dump! This time it is Lunar for the Sega CD.. gotta love it.
12/12/2001 Added the link to Translation Next. A New translation group with various projects in mind.. including Snatcher for the Saturn. Go check it out, great people are working on them. I am honored to be part of the team. Also fixed the Sketches section.. that had broken links.. Now you can watch those full size. Finally, finished the dump of MGS2... go to the dumps section to get it.. it has the boot sequence now.
08/12/2001 Changed the Codec text dump of Metal Gear Solid 2... now it has only the full text, no repetition of lines as the original had (for no apparent reason the text repeated itself) don't worry, all the text is there though, but now only a measly 162 K zipped! get it at the Dumps section
07/12/2001 Added MGS PC Version to the Kojima Games section. Also updated the scans of the Snatcher trading Cards Special set.
05/12/2001 New Script dump. This time it is Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty. It is just the codec calls and Real time demo text, but amounts to 3 megs zipped and 10 megs total! Great read if you have played the game...
04/12/2001 Added a new wallpaper. Also added some scans of a Snatcher PC Engine Magazine. This magazine is fully dedicated to the game, so some unique stuff is found on it. I think there are more (3 more) volumes... any info would be appreciated.
01/12/2001 Just Finished Metal Gear Solid 2.... What a masterpiece of information...
26/11/2001 A couple of interesting links: An interview with Kojima after MGS2 and a link to an excellent source of information, Atomix. Also Saladin sent me the complete list of the Tanker dog tags in hard.
26/11/2001 Added scans of the NES and PSX Integral versions of Metal Gear, in the Kojima Gallery. Also the cover and back of the Strategy Guide of SOL and more Sketches, this time Metal Gear Mk II, Snatchers and Insecters, visit the Sketches Section for those. And added one wallpaper, not enough time....
25/11/2001 Finally back from Tijuana.... added the Snatcher Sketches Section.. with some of them. Finally had some time to play MGS.... Scans on the integral version of Metal Gear Solid and the NES Metal Gear will be up on Monday night.
21/11/2001 OK.. will be out until Saturday. Expect big updates on Monday morning. Also added scans of Bleem!cast for MGS.
20/11/2001 Uploaded the scans of the MSX version of Snatcher. Also a Wallpaper of this version and a small face change to the index of the site. I won't be at town for 3 or 4 days, so there will be no updates for that period. But expect a sketches section coming up this weekend.
19/11/2001 Just Received my MSX2 version of Snatcher.. It is great! Thanks go to Takamichi for his invaluable help on getting this game.
18/11/2001 (MGS2) My brother completed the Tanker dog tags in easy and I had some time to update...
16/11/2001 Finally, had a little time to upload the PS2 MGS scans. They are in the Kojima Games section. Having this much workload is too much.. I still haven't played it more than 40 minutes!!! Also my brother played for a while and got some more dog tags.
15/11/2001 Added the Dog tags section, in an attempt to gather the full list. Any contributions are accepted and will have acknowledgements.
14/11/2001 21:30 CST... Just got Metal Gear Solid 2!!! It absolutely rocks! Dolby Digital 5.1, more details, dog tags, excellent background books in the Special section... All I ever wanted! Even better! Also uploaded a save game just after end of where the demo ends. Also got Bleem!cast for MGS... It is going to be a busy night...
14/11/2001 Waiting for MGS2!!! Well added new Snatcher text dumps of the Sega CD version. cleaned them up quite a bit and uploaded the source and executable for these. Two versions available, with codes and without them (for enter and color change). Needed to do this since the one I made 3 years ago was just a grep.
12/11/2001 OK, added almost every version I have of Lunar to the Lunar section of the page.
10/11/2001 Too tired.. just added a Mika wallpaper.
09/11/2001 Added the Alice differences page (Snatcher versions). And a Snatcher wallpaper.
08/11/2001 OK.. not much today. Added Magic School: Lunar! to the Lunar Gallery page. Also updated the Guest book and a new Wallpaper (from Lunar 2).
08/11/2001 Finally got time to scan the Policenauts Trading Card Set and some updates to the Snatcher Magazine section with some more reviews and grades. Please post your comments at the Guest book. Also added the Lunar Scans section.
07/11/2001 Added the Magazine Adds and Scans section. It contains reviews, Adds etc from Snatcher and (in the future) other Kojima games. and the all new Junker HQ's Guestbook.
06/11/2001 Reduced the Snatcher Pilot Disk Trailer down to 1193 KB... I think that is better... less size would imply less frames from now on...
31/10/2001 Added the Wallpapers section.
30/10/2001 Fully dumped disc 1 of Metal Gear Solid, visit the dumps page. Also uploaded the source code and executable that do that.. in the tools section.
29/10/2001 New text dump! Metal Gear Solid, US release almost fully dumped (just one file missing to dump).
27/10/2001 New Scans! All my collector cards from Snatcher in the Kojima Games Section. Also Policenauts LE for Sega Saturn, Metal Gear PSX Demo and MSX Metal Gear contributions. Started looking for SS text in Policenauts, with no success so far. Will keep trying.
25/10/2001 Added Sega Saturn Snatcher text dump in the dump section also some new scans, now from MGS Premium Package, MGS GameBoy, MGS2 demo and ZOE at the Kojima gallery
24/10/2001 More Scans! Changed some links here and there and added the MGS and Policenauts Scan Sections. Also some soundtracks.
23/10/2001 Added some SNATCHER scans on the Kojima games section (Saturn, PCE, PSX, etc). Also an Animated Gif of the full Pilot Disk Trailer. DON'T watch it if you haven't played the game.... that is just an advice of course...
20/10/2001 Changed the Links section to be more comprehensive, and tried The Sega CD emu... Works great!
19/10/2001 Snatcher for the Sega CD has been finally emulated. Gens is the name of the emulator. I have not been able to test it yet, but tonight I will. Congratulations go to the author for bringing this game closer to the wide range of people that should play it. Go visit www.snatcher.co.uk for details.
15/10/2001 Some progress made on the Policenauts dump.. although not much. Created a tool to reinsert the text given the original dump, the new text and the original disk image. Still needs work, but so far it can tell you how much space you need, which lines are bigger in the translation, etc... Still waiting for my Policenauts Limited Edition and my Snatcher/Policenauts cards =)
09/10/2001 Added a new dump without codes (Easier reading) of the MSX Snatcher version. Found the text in the PCE (TG-16) version... but will need some work. Part of it is in SJIS and part table coded.
08/10/2001 Changed the dump quite a bit, go get it and tell me what you think (MSX version). Still missing a lot of codes.
07/10/2001 OK, Got a beta version of the MSX complete text dump, go for it at the Dumps section. Thanks to Takamichi for his invaluable help!
06/10/2001 Takamichi found some characters were missing from the dump. Made a new dumper and uploaded the result in the Dumps page. Work progress on the MSX version today. I will post the results when I refine them.
03/10/2001 Small face lift to the page... still need a scanner =)
02/10/2001 Comparison file of the MSX English release (OASIS/first disk.. view links section if you don't know about it) and the original disk, at the Dumps page.
27/09/2001 Today I released a text dump. the one of Snatcher for the PSX. You can find it at the Dumps page. Hope this helps a bit.
26/09/2001 OK several things.... First moved to Junkerhq.net... second could get a partial text dump of Policenauts, PSX version. It is partial because it has a lot of junk.. although it is a better dump that the one I have for the MSX version of Snatcher.
Also, along with some people of SegaXtreme, a "complete" (at least I like to think that) script dump of Snatcher for the Saturn was done. Looking for translators =)
3/09/2001 OK, not much advance... Have had a hard time at work and during the weekend I watched the complete Lodoss: Chronicles of the heroic knight series =), So I could not do much. I did some advance in the MSX version, I am trying to dump the script there. this change is temporal, Because my CD-ROM/CD-Writer is not working and I can't read the discs =(. Anyway, it is a step in the right direction.
Also check the Saturn development section if you are interested in the matter. there are several "gifts" there.
28/08/2001 I have been playing with some info that Cyber Warrior X gave me at SegaXtreme Board. So far have not been able
to modify the stuff at will but some advance has been done, although maybe
what I am actually modifying is just the VRAM (in those addresses) and that is
why I modify the text.. will need to find out more.
Unfortunately my CD drive/burner stopped working yesterday night and I only
have a HD backup of the Saturn Version.. so progress for a while will only be
on MSX and Saturn.. not bad though =)
Good thing is that in the tools page you can find a
bugfix to the search tool found because of this... enjoy!
Will post any advance soon
24/08/2001 Too little time, so many things to do. Yesterday I finally
found some time to connect my AR and Saturn to the PC... and made some memory
dumps. Will be investigating them tonight and all day tomorrow. SO far I could
find some text in SJIS format on the RAM, I will try to find from what file
that text came so I have an opportunity on deciphering the
compression&encryption algorithm used. I also found what appeared to be SJIS
tables and all the common Arabic characters.
I will post the results I achieve ASAP
22/08/2001 Well the DOS executable is up in the tools section.
I was searching the files and found some patterns regarding the beginning of
the file... I am sure they are compressed (I am talking the PSX version right
now)... The patterns look like they are. And at the beginning of the files all the
ones that ave a name starting with C, begin with bytes 00 01 00 00 and so on...
i will do research on this by Friday night, since I have a meeting with my
partners for these three days. Please email me with any suggestions
Artemio Urbina
21/08/2001 First update of the page. Currently I am trying to find the text on Snatcher for PSX and Saturn. As for the audio replacement I think I can handle it fine already... not tested it yet, but I think creating the As with the original audio of the Sega CD version will do fine. I have already tested this and the audio quality is OK... not great though, except for the ones that are directly on the CD. I already have all the digitized sound extracted and converted to 16 bits stereo. It still will need some retouch to put nice stereo effects in it (original was 8 bit PCM mono from Sega CD). The good news on the Saturn version is that the audio is already in AIFF format and each sample on a single file!!! so that one will be easier to do in that matter.
I currently have all the text of the Sega CD version, I dumped it quite a long time ago... It is available here
So far I created a tool for doing search and relative search on any number of files.. you can find that with source and a compiled Linux version on the tools page.
The only problem is that I have not been lucky .... I bet the text is compressed or encrypted. I searched for the beginning of the game in EUC, Jis, SJIS, Nec JIS and Old JIS with no luck so far. But the real searches I have done are for the word JUNKER.
I have been searching on all the files of the CD in the PSX version except the SND and STR directories. For the Saturn Version I have still to do more testing, since it contains two ISOs... one mode 1 and the other one mode 2.. maybe I will need research or some help on this matter.. to un assemble and reassemble these, and finding out what is on the second ISO, so I only did a search on the BIN/CUE files i ripped.
I could find the text on the PCE version, I know for certain it is encoded in a table, and that J == 69 82 ... etc.. But this is of no use if I cant rip the ISO and un assemble/reassemble it... I have the original, a ripped BIN/CUE and mounting this with DAEMON tools I could extract the ISO.. but cannot mount that ISO!!! it says it is corrupt.
I will try on finding compression algorithms and head on that direction trying with all the files.. also I will use the Action replay/PCCommlinks card combination with the Saturn Game to try to figure out some info on this .... finding changing values when text changes, memory dumps etc... and try to find a Golden Finger for the PSX.
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Snatcher. Policenauts, Boktai, Zone of the Enders, Anubis and Metal Gear are registered trademark of Konami Corporation. Konami is a registered trademark of Konami Corporation Joint Stock Company.
Fan work by: Artemio Urbina 2001-2021